o guarda-roupa que sobrou depois de pagos os impostos

fashion fail - The Wheels in my Head Are Going 'Round and 'Round

fashion fail - Care to Knock on My Coconuts?

fashion fail - Seconds Away from Taking Flight

fashion fail - I Didn't Know They Were Vintage Already

fashion fail - I Thought Jesters Weren't Supposed to Be Depressing

fashion fail - Go-Go Gother

fashion fail - Om Nom Nom

fashion fail - Get the Hell Back to the Kitchen, June Cleaver

fashion fail - Is That Another Soul Patch in Your Pants, or Are You Just Glad to See Me?

fashion fail - Must Be Browsing the Low-Budget Section

fashion fail - Tom Selleck Wants His Mustache Back

fashion fail - Show Me Your Duck Face

fashion fail - Prepare Yourself for the Neon Zombie Apocalypse

fashion fail - Naughty Kids, Meet Your Gift-Giver

fashion fail - The Beard Shatters the Illusion a Little

fashion fail - Getting Ready for a Big Night Out at Roxxy's Rave Raceway

fashion fail - I Hope It's Shopped

fashion fail - The Velour Satan

fashion fail - He'll Bring You to Heel

fashion fail - The Baby's Trying to Curl Up and Hide

fashion fail - Keep 'Em Covered!

fashion fail - Pretty Woman, Walking Down the Street

fashion fail - The Highlander Enjoys Another Victory

fashion fail - Rainbow Kitty Power

fashion fail - I Think I'll Call You "Spiky"

fashion fail - T-Shirt TMI


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